Welcome! Here’s a quick guide to getting started with your social inbox.

When you arrive at your Inbox for any social profile, you’ll see how many new messages are waiting to be handled. Use this toggle to bring Newest or Oldest content to the top in descending order.

Use this toggle to focus on the specific type of content you want to manage.

This is especially helpful if you want to manage public comments or comments on your ads before responding to private messages.

Use the Filters toggle to quickly jump to bookmarked or labelled content. This is especially helpful for teams who label content for ‘follow up’.

The Inbox Assistant cleans up and organizes your inbox for you. It can eliminate spam, review, assign, bookmark or label inbox items automatically based on words or phrases.

Here’s one example that’s commonly used on profiles that operate in multiple languages.

Now, any questions will automatically be assigned to the teammate that can most easily respond to them (ie. Spanish language support). They’re also labelled as questions so they’ll be easy to find by other members of our team and so our reports can track how many questions this profile receives on a regular basis.

Here’s a more thorough list of commonly used Inbox Assistant rules that will make your life easier.

Click here create a rule for your Inbox Assistant in another tab.

You can clear each item off your slate individually by checking the Review icon.

You can bulk review some items and leave the rest.

Or, you can clean your entire slate at once by clicking “Review All.”

Replying to any item automatically marks it as Reviewed.

Click the toggle next to ‘Reply’ to respond to any tweet with a Direct Message, or any Facebook comment with a Private Message.

‘Saved replies’ are easily accessible in each conversation so you can respond more quickly. Click ‘Manage’ to create as many saved replies as you like.

Click here to create your first saved reply in another tab.

Reviewed items are still accessible by clicking “All” in the upper navigation bar of the Inbox. From here, each member of the team can see who reviewed each message.

You’ll never collide with another team member while responding to a fan. When you and another team member are replying to the same message, you’ll know it.

Inbox items can be assigned to any member of your team with a custom note to put the message in better context.

Click ‘Expand’ above any author’s name…

… to view your previous conversations with them, public or private.

This is especially useful for customer service teams. You’ll always have access to your team members’ prior conversations with each person on hand before starting a new one.

Sometimes, a social network won’t allow third-party tools to perform specific actions. For instance, with Agorapulse you can create hashtag searches for Instagram to find relevant content to engage on but the network won’t permit replies to these searches from any 3rd party tool. Until this changes, Agorapulse makes it easy to jump directly to any inbox or listening item on the network in another tab when necessary.

Bookmark any item or assign custom labels to it, in order to easily find it later.

Once you’ve labelled some Inbox items, you’ll get metrics on the number of labelled content items you’ve received from your audience under any profile’s Reports tab. And you’ll also see labelled item metrics when you export a report.

Once we’ve connected your ad accounts, your team will be able to manage the comments on your social ads.

Click the ‘settings’ wheel.

Select a Facebook or Instagram profile, then connect one or more ad accounts.

Rinse, lather and repeat for other profiles and ad accounts and voila! Your inbox will now collect the comments on your Facebook and Instagram ads. You can filter to manage ad accounts only, here:

Click here to install your ad accounts in another tab.

This video will walk you through your Inbox in 2 minutes.